Hi Everyone,

got a new DFS Cluster on Windows 2008 going and when adding disks to the cluster, the active node bugchecked. So I enabled driver verification and added another disk got the following error: IO SYSTEM VERIFICATION ERROR in Ntfs.sys (WDM DRIVER ERROR 224)
see screenshot below.

Analyzing the memory dump didnt get a very far. First port of call is to update all drivers/firmware on the system including HBA firmware as well. Once I get the drivers/firmware updated on this HP BL470c blade I will attempt to add more LUNs.

If you get the below error when trying to get to move transactions logs in Exchange 2003 (Access is denied , ID no: c0070005 , Exchange System Manager)
go to http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q323915. However you may need to restart the node to get the registry permissions in effect.

Just spent the whole of sunday bringing back an Exchange cluster. I wonder why disasters happen on Sunday..